The CEXTEC observatory aims to analyze the situation and trends in the labor market, paying special attention to the ways in which talent and human resources are managed.
The studies carried out will be published in this web space and disseminated in the networks and publications associated with CEXTEC, favoring its dissemination in reports, conferences and others related to employment.
In addition to the studies prepared by the CEXTEC coordination itself, those studies provided by the associated entities of the CEXTEC network will be published, as well as other works of interest carried out by different entities and observatories.
Fields of study
- Working market
- Employment policies
- Training and professional guidance.
- Corporate social responsibility
- Talent management: attraction, return and retention of talent.
- University and labor market
- New technologies and employment
- Labor integration and decent work.
- Equal opportunities
Talent and attraction management panel in Santiago de Compostela
Establish an observatory for the development of a panel of companies for the research of the talent market in Santiago de Compostela. Since what cannot be measured cannot be improved, this observatory, composed of a broadly representative sample of the main companies and organizations of the city, aims to obtain a diagnosis of the current state of the talent management market, but also gather information about the perceptions, concerns, attitudes, opinions, demands or proposals of the main contracting staff in Santiago.
To emphasize that this is not a fixed image, but that the talent management and management panel will carry out a series of annual surveys, establishing a continuous analysis over time that will allow the development of the evolution over the years through A series of indicators.
Edificio Administrativo CERSIA
Rúa Alcalde Raimundo López Pol, s/n, Santiago de Compostela
Tlf. – 981543060
Fax – 981542407
CEXTEC está financiado por Santiago EDUSI (Estratexia de Desenvolvemento Urbano Sustentable Integrado) “Revive Santiago” e polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (FEDER) – Unha maneira de facer Europa.